The Sweepstakes area contains two pages.
The first page is the current sweepstakes year standings.
The current year sweepstakes will be updated online every 3 months after the current issue of the bulletin is sent to the printer for printing and mailing to our members.
The second page has links to the PDF's for each past sweepstakes year.
These PDF’s for each Sweepstake year include both the Open and Youth Results per clickable link. The PDF will open into a new popup page.
How Sweepstake Points are calculated.
- The sweepstakes year will run from July 1 to June 30th of the next year.
- Sweepstakes awards are to be presented at the Annual Membership Meeting at the State Show.
- Sweepstakes will include only points received at MSRBA sanctioned shows.
- Sweepstakes points are awarded only to MSRBA members in good standing at the time of the show.
- Show reports must be received by the MSRBA Secretary/Treasurer, Bulletin Editor, and Sweepstakes Counter within thirty (30) days after the show.
- Double points will be awarded for the MSRBA State Show.
- Fur sweepstakes will consist of five (4) classes: Normal, Rex, Wool, Satin.
- Open cavy sweepstakes will go by breed rather than grouped together. MSRBA will count cavy points even if a cavy judge doesn’t judge them.
- A youth member who chooses to show in an open show will have those sweepstakes points remain in open.